InclusiOFF – Let’s Turn It On

First TC in BG

InclusiOFF – Let’s Turn It On – Call

🎯🆙 Bulgaria will host the FIRST training under the InclusiOFF project – Let’s Turn It On.🔛
We will welcome a group of young people and youth workers who will touch on various methods that are aimed at increasing sensitivity to social inclusion – 🎭 Forum Theater 🎭, 👓 Living Library 📖 and Street Actions ‍♀️.

The main goal of the project is to empower young people and those from marginalized groups by offering opportunities to develop their skills to create and conduct educational activities aimed at reducing discrimination and social exclusion, as well as skills to advocate for social inclusion policies at local level. All this in order to transform their communities into inclusive and anti-discrimination.

The project offers an integrated approach to social inclusion, providing youth workers with competencies to solve the problem both at the individual level, through non-formal education and at the institutional level, by raising awareness and advocacy. The training will be conducted live in the period:

🗓🔜 07 – 16 May 2021 in 🏡 Hotel Bankya Palace, Bankya.
We announce the last opportunity for inclusion in the training for Bulgarian participants! Write us! 📨 at nadejda.projects (@)


Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union